Our Favorite Things

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A random thought came to mind recently, as sometimes happens when I’m at a corporate meeting or during a Sunday sermon. This one was, how many woodworking projects have I built in my life? As I dove into this rabbit hole, I quickly decided it was impossible to determine. (Did the sword and shield I built as a kid qualify as one project…or two?)

Then I asked myself what woodworking project has brought me the fondest memories? What has been my favorite project? This turned out to be nearly as difficult. But I got there eventually.

What about you? Do you have a favorite? Or maybe just a favorite for this year? If so, share it with us! A picture would be great, but just a short note will do, too. We’ll put them in the Feedback department to share with all of you. And next issue, I will share my own favorite to join in the fun. I am so looking forward to this!

Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal

Building Cabinet Doors with Rail-and-Stile Bits

Learn how to build cabinet door frames using a rail-and-stile router bit set. Most cabinet doors – especially if they are made in a factory – have frames that are assembled with rail-and-stile joints, also commonly called cope-and-stick joints. These joints feature a decorative profile, such as a flat shaker edge, a rounder or an ogee, which frames the panel, and a groove that contains the panel. In this case, we used a Shaker-style rail-and-stile router bit set. Building cabinet doors is easy when you have a rail-and-stile router bit set to cut these joints.

Tool Cradles to Shorten the Wait

Shop-made holsters for random orbit sanders
This reader often needed a random orbit sander close at hand, so he created a simple solution to make sure it never strays far.

Premium Project: Skee Bag Game

Simple skee bag game board
Here’s an indoor bag toss game for the winter months. It’s tons of fun to play and teaches addition and subtraction too!

Premium Project: Redwood Slab Vanity

Redwood burl bathroom vanity
Furniture made from slab lumber is growing in popularity. This vanity uses sustainably-harvested redwood burl to create a perfect bathroom centerpiece.

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The post Our Favorite Things appeared first on Woodworking | Blog | Videos | Plans | How To.

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