‘Well, That Sucks’: 45 Times Homeowners Had Their Day Ruined
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With more free time on our hands than ever, and most of it spent in the comfort of our homes, people are seizing the opportunity to renovate their houses. But not everything that looks simple, yet splendid on those countless craft videos on YouTube, is so in reality. In fact, oftentimes it goes quite to the contrary.
From renovating and realizing you just removed a load-bearing wall and putting a nice decoration over the toilet only for it to drop all over, to felling cabinets as if there was some meteor shower, these are some of the most “thank god, it’s not me” home improvement efforts.
Have you had some renovation disasters similar to these? Hit us in the comment section below!
#1 When You Live In Svalbard, Norway And Forgot To Close The Window To The Home Office
Image credits: Kjakan
#2 What Happens When You're Renovating And Remove A Load-Bearing Wall
Image credits: pf3
#3 Spraying Weed Killer Instead Of Weed N Feed
Image credits: hilltophermit
There are seemingly an infinite fountain of readily available resources to help do-it-yourselfers, such as books with step-by-step instructions and online how-to videos. In the past five years, the demand for such videos has boomed since most people have realized it’s easy to save some bucks handling cosmetic improvements alone. Those who tried and succeeded have gone on to more complex endeavors like installing tiles or replacing countertops.
And with so much free time on our hands, more and more people are willing to try out and undertake home projects that they feel comfortable with. The last part is crucial, since making a spontaneous decision when you haven’t a single clue on what you’re about to be doing is a red flag that you may be better off without doing it yourself.
#4 DIY Fail
Image credits: jetaimezombies
#5 Main Water Valve Was Not Shut Off For The Winter In A Cabin
Image credits: kentiiboyy
#6 My Wife Said Measure The Door, I Told Her All Doors Are The Same Size...
Image credits: BlahMehUgh
To avoid renovation disasters that are unfortunately all too common, Bruce Irving, an independent renovation consultant and real estate agent from Cambridge, Massachusetts, suggests not rushing renovations if you just bought a new house. “Learn its flow, where the groceries land, where the laundry wants to go, how the sun hits it, where the choke points are, which way the rain slants, even get a sense of its soul,” he argues.
#7 Rude Awakening
Image credits: Scaulbylausis
#8 A Friend Sent Me This Picture Today
"Wife went to get the Christmas tree from the attic. Told her not to step on the drywall. She later admitted she didn't know what drywall was"
Image credits: reddit.com
The second crucial thing is being realistic about the renovation budget. “If you don’t have the funds,” cautions Irving, “cut the job back. If you happen to beat these projections, then your surprises are happy ones.” A good rule to follow is to always add 20 percent to what you think the project will cost, and make sure that it will very likely take much longer than you initially realize.
#9 The Little Nail That Could And Two Hammers That Couldn't
Image credits: -herekitty_kitty-
#10 Wife Bought A New Plant Pot And Put It On The Shelf Over The Toilet. And Hour Later We Heard A Crash...
Image credits: hinrichs98
Sometimes things are better entrusted to pros. “You are about to spend more than you ever thought possible. It might as well be for a correctly-designed thing,” Irving says. Hiring an interior designer or an architect from the start will prevent you from making bad decisions that will cost you too much to fix.
#11 Kitchen Cabinets Decided To Yeet Themselves At 4 In The Morning
Image credits: weeJwontC10
#12 It’s So Hot In Australia, Our Outdoor Lights Melted
Image credits: disnerdbeth
Here’s another tip. No matter how much we’d like to think we know things best, there are things that we truly have no idea about, and it’s fine. Realizing that asking questions will make the process smoother and more efficient is another simple trick to make your renovation work. Pretending that you know stuff, like reading blueprints, is not an option, especially when it’s you who are paying the money.
#13 Went Down To The Basement To Do Laundry...
Image credits: drkwtrs
#14 Time To Move, I Guess
Image credits: Missburr
However, changing things around as you go with remodeling is also a no-go. Sticking to the plan, listening to the pros, and trusting your gut are things that should guide you through the process no matter what. Don’t let yourself get carried away by some way nicer paint for the kitchen walls, because there are always better things out there.
#15 Lockdown Renovations Look So Easy On Instagram
Image credits: YouHaveGotRedOnYou
#16 My Fire Alarm Caught On Fire
Image credits: aeon_city
#17 A Storm Came Through. The Plastic Furniture Barely Moved But The Grill Blew 30 Ft Into The Pool
Image credits: sleepybuddha44
#18 I Guess Plumbing Isn’t For Everyone
Image credits: idontreallylikecandy
#19 I Now Remember That Yesterday I Wanted A Cool Soda
Image credits: dim-pap
#20 Got Up In The Middle Of The Night To Get A Drink Of Water, And When I Opened The Fridge The Door Fell Off In My Hand
Image credits: ItsMeMurphYSlaw
#21 Friend Of Mine Posted This Photo Of The Job Site Today
Image credits: rabaful
#22 When Your Cabinet Decides It’s Time To Break Lose And Come Crashing Down The Day You Install Your Brand New Glass Top Stove
Image credits: thorisadog
#23 Slipped In The Shower, Landed On The Toilet
Image credits: Bonsonoptic
#24 When Your One Piece Sink/Counter Randomly Explodes At 3am
Image credits: thetattoodguy
#25 After Losing 1/3rd Of My Weight, I Finally Didn't Feel Too Fat Anymore. The Toilet Disagreed
Image credits: Mayungi
#26 And The Job Went To The Lowest Bidder...
Image credits: MisterT12
#27 110+ Mph Derecho Winds Impale House With Lawn Chair, Iowa 8/10
Image credits: johntaylorsbangs
#28 I Think I’m Going To Need A Bigger Bucket
Image credits: TheNightMan5000
#29 Saw This On Fb With Someone Asking For A Contractor
Image credits: King_Baboon
#30 Someone In My Town Fell 30’ Down A Well Through The Floor Of Their House They Didn’t Know Existed. Literally A Well That Sucked
Image credits: ItsJustGrandpa
#31 Governor Just Ordered All “Non Life Sustaining” Businesses To Close, Including Construction And Contractors. This Is The Current State Of My Only Bathroom...
Image credits: CarsonWentzylvania
#32 Gravity Wins. But I Live To Trip Another Day
Image credits: Shaneblaster
#33 We Got Our Doors Painted During A Remodel And The Painters Forgot To Put The Plastic Covering On The Ground
Image credits: JosephKirwan
#34 Cabinet Fell Off The Wall While I Was Out. Handmade Dishes I've Collected From Little Shops And Farmers Markets Over The Years, Now Shattered. I Guess It's Fine I Don't Have Dishes Anymore, Since The Cabinet Knocked Open The Fridge Door, Ruining All My Food
Image credits: bbclit
#35 I Just Broke The Door Handle Of My Appartement And Cut Myself. I'm Also Locked In
Image credits: Kyscool
#36 Been Waiting 6 Weeks For A Rather Expensive Toilet So We Can Fit It At A Client's House, It Has Finally Arrived
Image credits: tommygun1234567890
#37 Bought A House In July And They Graciously Left Me A Mini Fridge In The Basement, After Moving All My Beer And Alcohol Downstairs I Discovered It Was Infact A Freezer
Image credits: joeldor
#38 My Roof Caved In Last Night
Image credits: reddit.com
#39 Fiancé Was Being Thoughtful And Taking The Paint Cans To The Basement. Turns Out He Tried To Carry Too Much At Once...(Also We Just Bought This House And I’m Dying Inside)
Image credits: Marleyyy_S
#40 A Tree Tipped Over Onto My Apartment
Image credits: OddFromEvryAngle
#41 My Tenancy Ends Tomorrow After 2 Years In This Flat. Today, While Cleaning And Getting Everything Ready To Move Out, I Hit The Oven's Door And Broke The Glass. Bye Bye Sweet Deposit Money
Image credits: cheekibreekio
#42 Good Morning
Image credits: reddit.com
#43 I Have Two Outlets In My House (Bought 2 Years Ago) That Don't Work. Purchased 2 New Outlets To Replace Them. Turns Out There Are No Wires To Connect Them To!
Image credits: angerybeaver
#44 Guess I Don’t Actually Own A Queen Size Mattress
Image credits: XBL_blue110
#45 My Brand New Smart TV Just Arrived!
Image credits: sizzlekid
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