Cat Owners Are Sharing The Weirdest Places Their Felines End Up In (113 Posts)
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The only thing that rivals a cat's cuteness is its ability to climb and hide. I swear, some felines are determined to set paw on every surface of their house. Whether we're talking about a ceiling lamp or the ventilation system, the bravest furry explorers have their eyes on it.
We at Bored Panda decided to honor these adventures and give them the attention they deserve. So we compiled a list of photos that cat owners took the moment they realized James Cook and George Mallory have nothing on their pet. Scroll down and check them out!
"Over the last week our kitten has discovered she can climb"

Image credits: godofleet

Image credits: omocha_no_uma

Image credits: sarahhollowell
"My parents' cat destroyed bathroom's door vents so he could spy while we pee."

Image credits: zly-wplyw

Image credits: LA_Knight89

Image credits: unknown
"Giant creature trapped inside someone's home, or a doll house with a curious visitor? You decide."

Image credits: jhdyck

Image credits: alivicwil
"This cat inside of a couch"

Image credits: MigatteNoG0kui

Image credits: FayeDelacour

Image credits: unknown
"My cat tried to hide from me"

Image credits: tassafrass
"My cat always sits like this when I'm in the shower."

Image credits: flopsycat
"This is how my friend found the cat in the bathroom"

Image credits: fastandfurry

Image credits: timelinecats

Image credits: unknown

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Image credits: ifgoldruste

Image credits: kerfuggle

Image credits: dianakmoreland

Image credits: timelinecats

Image credits: timelinecats

Image credits: drahmus
"Stuck in the middle"

Image credits: Fluid_Milk7119
My cat got stuck today

Image credits: shuji18
My cat got stuck in the wall on Christmas day. The basement kitchenette ceiling was left open when it was built a few months ago so he climbed onto the cupboards and into the ceiling before falling into the wall. This was at my mom's house and he was stuck for about 2 hours while we tried to figure out his exact location and cut a hole to release him. He is perfectly fine and even tried to go back in the hole!

Image credits: therealIndigocat

Image credits: ebassler

Image credits: vetpip

Image credits: MxCaityCat

Image credits: ManOfMadness
"Fur ball, corner pocket."

Image credits: MurderMelon
"If I dont move they can't see me"

Image credits: er4117
"My cat climbed inside the bird feeder (2 meters tall) , because she saw bird flying there"

Image credits: MrDeev
"Looked for my cat all morning and this is where I finally found her"

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"Couldn't find my cat... heard some rustling inside my desk, opened the drawer and voila. Found kitty"

Image credits: theusernameformerlyknownastildo
"Finally found my cat"

Image credits: TacticalToast
My poor cat got stuck in the laundry room

Image credits: bshigem
How I noticed that my cat was stuck in the attic

Image credits: antpile11

Image credits: FreeseVera

Image credits: proverbialcat

Image credits: KisforKaili

Image credits: LadydeLuce
"Kuro found a hiding spot from which to be adorable"

Image credits: farpoke

"Thought my cat went missing. Found out he made himself a personal hammock out of our couc"

Image credits: kylierosetypo
My cat got stuck behind a chest of drawers

Image credits: Alt4Norm

Image credits: corialias

Image credits: lindsayplum

Image credits: YOUREGROSS

Image credits: theologybird

Image credits: sweeney_kate

Image credits: rchlnnmllr

Image credits: CrashMD

Image credits: timelinecats

Image credits: timelinecats

Image credits: timelinecats

Image credits: timelinecats

Image credits: timelinecats
"Stuck in the couch"

Image credits: MurderMelon

"I finally figured out where Tank the cat has been hiding. I only saw him because a bird chirped on tv and he stuck his head up slightly. Who sees him?"

Image credits: Ellekm730

Image credits: briarbramble

Image credits: leanansidhe220

Image credits: timelinecats

Image credits: timelinecats
"I was wondering why my books were on the floor..."

Image credits: TrickyDaisy

"I’m remodeling my basement and all the ceiling tiles were just removed. I found my cat like this"

Image credits: proffie
"Came home and found my cat sleeping like this"

Image credits: NateBeerLeague
Dad started putting in new toilet. Walked away for a few minutes and came back to this

Image credits: TheGinger_ThatCould

Image credits: Atomic_Fitz

Image credits: gearstation

Image credits: Van_G0th

Image credits: rahaeli

Image credits: briarbramble

Image credits: KayleePages

Image credits: athenenea

Image credits: spamgoddess

Image credits: agentr21

Image credits: AngelaJHolt

Image credits: timelinecats
"Found my cat chillin in the garbage can"

Image credits: teddycat0420
"found my cat after hours of search my house"

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"I heard my cat meowing for 20 minutes. I finally found her in the fridge"

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She was chasing a bug and got stuck

Image credits: Juniper118
Heard my cat screaming outside, found her stuck like this

Image credits: smiley2billion
Opened the cabinet to get a glass and nearly jumped out of my skin

Image credits: chipsicecream
This is my cat Fig, she likes to crawl into rolls of paper and then meow when she can’t get out

Image credits: Taz-Rodders
How I left him vs how I found him

Image credits: autumnplain

Image credits: DawnSchelthelm

Image credits: jamielynncrofts

Image credits: NicWritesBooks

Image credits: emteecue77

Image credits: timelinecats

Image credits: timelinecats

Image credits: timelinecats

Image credits: timelinecats

Image credits: MarreMER
"She has a very cute, but very dangerous obsession with hiding under my carpets..."

Image credits: bananadairy
"I got so freaked out when I noticed her up there for the first time"

Image credits: tsue1queenzz
"Spent 10 minutes looking for my cat before I went to bed, found him asleep in a wok on top of the freezer"

Image credits: terpsiterpsi
"It's almost 1:30 am here, and I just found a cat in my ceiling!"

Image credits: HighJellyfish
"I found this cat on my way home from college"

Image credits: DoReMiFaSoDoneWithLife
I lost my cat today and eventually found him like this staring at me

Image credits: filochick05
We adopted a kitten last month... We now have nightly ritual of checking the fridge and other small spaces to make sure he's not trapped anywhere before we go to bed

Image credits: Tacocat0927
"Lost my cat for HOURS and on the verge of tears...then I found the dork sleeping under my blankets"

Image credits: kovan_empire
"Guess my dryer comes with a Fluff setting"

Image credits: ChienLov3r
"After 15 minutes of searching I found my cat"

Image credits: Anything_gnihtynA

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"Our cat, Wally climbed inside my girlfriend's shorts"

Image credits: KitKatBarMan
"I found my cat hiding in my pillow case. He seemed more shocked than me"

Image credits: panchobear
"Cat hiding under a bed sheet"

Image credits: BlaZEN213
"My cat hiding behind the curtain after a bath"

Image credits: merciJean1127