7 Easy Ways to Keep Your House Clean and Organized

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Any homeowner will appreciate the importance of keeping their house clean and organized. Whilst it's possible to buy non-toxic stationery for kids, it's more difficult to maintain a safe and tidy home environment day after day. It can feel like you're constantly cleaning up after your children or pets, no matter how much time you spend on it.

Fortunately, there's no need to despair because this article will discuss 7 easy ways to keep your home hygienic and well-organized.

1. Declutter The Home

Do this regularly, and if time is an issue, declutter one room at a time. Dispose responsibly of the junk and rubbish. Donate items to charity if they are not being used anymore and if they're still in good condition. If the items are large don't worry because many organizations such as the Salvation Army may be prepared to collect them from you.

If you need to raise some extra money you could alternatively have a yard sale or sell your items on eBay (or other online auction sites). Long term, stop buying things you don’t need or don’t have space for because this will prevent clutter from forming again.

2. Stay On Top Of Pests

Examples of pests to watch out for are mice and rats, bees and wasps, fleas, ants and cockroaches. When it comes down to keeping them away from the house you need good habits alongside good products. Be sure not to leave any dirty dishes in the sink overnight as pests love a smorgasbord! Don't leave areas of standing water indoors or out because they can become a breeding ground for mosquitoes and other insects. Try using natural pest control sprays or even sticky traps if necessary.

If you can't get on top of the issue or the pests keep returning, you should consult with a professional service provider. They can perform a home inspection and implement the best plan of treatment. If you click here you can see that the public is frequently looking online for free surveys and pest protection for their homes and businesses. It's possible to secure the services of BPCA accredited and CEPA certified specialists, and to gain environmentally responsible bird control.

3. Maximize Your Storage

Whether you have a tiny studio apartment or a large, two-story house with multiple rooms, shelves and cabinets are an effective way to make the most of your storage space.

You can maximize your corner space with corner shelves, and fill empty wall space by hanging one shelf above another. Cabinets provide additional nooks for hiding things like cleaning supplies that don't need to be on display at all times. If you have empty space under your sink have a cabinet installed there.

4. Put It Away

Train your child to put away any toy they are not playing with before they remove another from their toybox. Many kids and adults like taking off their shoes as soon as they walk through the front door, but this quickly leads to clutter. Why not install a special box in your home entranceway for these? If you put hooks on the walls people can hang their coats there, rather than putting them down somewhere else.

It's easy for magazines to pile up, especially if there is no designated place for them. One way to resolve this is to have a basket or box in which to keep them. This way you won't be struggling to find a place for them all and it'll be easy to get them recycled together. Never leave a room without something in your hand, whether it's a book or cup that's been left around. If you train everyone well, you won't have to do this all yourself.

5. Clean Up As You Go

As we've just discussed, one of the easiest ways to keep your house tidy is to clean up as you go. This means taking a few minutes after each activity to clear up the area you were working in. This will prevent the mess from building up and will make cleaning up later much quicker.

When you're cooking, clean up any cooking utensils, etc., and throw away the food scraps immediately. If there are a lot of dishes around, put them in the dishwasher - and train everyone to put them there in the first place.

6. Create A Schedule

If you want to stay organized, create a schedule and stick to it. Decide which room you are going to tackle each day and then get to work. This will help you stay on track and not feel overwhelmed. You may prefer to tackle one room a day rather than writing off an entire day to clean the house from top to bottom.

If you plan your meals in advance your grocery shopping will be more strategic and there will be less food wastage. With meals like stew or curry, make more than you need and freeze it for a quick and convenient meal another time. Buy a chalkboard and hang it in your kitchen. You can write down your activity reminders and list anything you need to buy from the grocery store.

7. Stay On Top Of The Washing

Be sure to have a laundry basket in each room of the house, including the bathroom. This will enable you to stay on top of your washing and not let it pile up before taking it downstairs to wash. The baskets will provide a great place for people to keep their dirty clothes, and they will spare the floors from getting covered with clothes. Don't make it your job to go from room to room collecting the washing. Ask everyone to bring it to you on certain days.

These 7 tips should help you feel more empowered to improve your home. By employing these strategies there will be fewer germs and less clutter. The rooms will feel more spacious and it will be easier to find what you're looking for. In return for some effort from every member of your household (even the kids), your home will become a happier and tidier place to live.

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