What Makes For A Happy Child?

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It’s clearly one of the most important and common parenting needs – for their children to be happy. But if you are trying to make sure your children are happy, and you’re not entirely certain about how to approach it, it might be that the issue stems from a misunderstanding about what happiness is or where it actually comes from. In this post, we are going to try and make sense of this by looking at some of the major elements that normally make for a happy child. These are bound to be worth pursuing as you parent your child.


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Seeing Happiness In You

You can think of happiness as a practice that you either choose to engage in or don’t. If you want your child to be happy, bear in mind that they are always going to look up to you and what you are doing for inspiration on this as with everything else. So if they tend to see happiness in you, that is going to make a huge difference to their own ability to do the same. They will know it’s possible, and they’ll start to develop an idea of how it’s actually done in an intuitive way.

Encouraging Passions

Even from a very young age, you can normally start to see what kinds of passions a child is likely to have, and the more you can encourage these, the better off they will be in so many ways. Having a lot of passions and things you enjoy makes you happier, so if your child has this, it is a very good sign indeed. Whether it’s their RC toys collection, their books, or their art, be sure to encourage whatever it is that they seem to really enjoy the most. That is going to help a great deal.

The Power Of Nature

The natural world is very important to all of us, though not everyone is aware of it. A child who grows up with plenty of access to nature is going to develop so many amazing qualities, and is generally going to be a lot happier too. If you are in the city, you should at least aim to take your child to the park daily – or go out to the country from time to time too. Being in nature will work wonders on your kid, and it’s one of the best things you can do for them.

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Acknowledge Efforts

Finally, make sure that you are always acknowledging it when your child has put in a lot of effort into something, regardless of what the result may have been. If you only ever celebrate their successes, you run the risk of turning them into a success-driven monster who is never quite happy with their achievements. You want them to be happy for merely having tried their best – so make sure that you set this in motion as early on as possible. This is going to be much better for their mental health on the whole as well.

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