The Best Kids Magazine Subscriptions to Encourage Learning

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With the ever-expanding presence of screen time in kid's days, reading directly off a page has taken on a new novelty. Not only is it more fun for kids to hold a real object, but most studies also show you retain more from reading from a physical page than a screen. In fact, the heft and physicality of the printed page might actually contribute to a deeper understanding of reading too. Magazine subscriptions for kids provide the opportunity for your kids to experience this old-timey act while learning about their favorite subjects. Give a kid a magazine subscription for Christmas and you're giving them a year's worth of new experiences.

Kid's magazines offer a way to explore faraway lands through stories from kids around the globe, entertainment that doubles as an educational activity, and a cure for boredom. Magazines provide multiple mediums through which kids can learn, from reading fiction or nonfiction essays,  deciphering infographics, looking at beautiful photos of things, places, and animals they've never seen before, and playing games. Whether you choose a science magazine for kids or a magazine for tweens focused on the arts the best children's magazines open up new worlds.

Like all things, some kids magazine subscriptions are better than others. Kids magazines should be "vibrant, beautiful, interactive, and entertaining," says Erin Bried, the founder, and editor of Kazoo magazine, one of the latest (and greatest) entries into kids publishing. "It should take its readers on a journey that starts on the first page and ends on that last page." These magazines will have kids eagerly running to the mailbox to look for their next issue. (Prices reflect the cost of a one-year subscription, though the number of issues included varies.)

New Moon Girls

It's for girls, by girls — and if your boy wants to read it they'll be ahead of you when it comes to understanding them. Behind the print and electronic kids' magazine is a mission to connect with young women in their tweens and teens. The younger edition has less feminine fiction and more activities than its older counterpart. But the spirit of showing your daughter she can throw that copy of Cosmo in the trash is still strong.
Ages: 9 to 16

Buy Now $44


Written exclusively for girls between the ages of 5 and 12, Kazoo has grown from a limited indie press to a kids magazine found in bookstores and airport kiosks everywhere. Mom and long-time magazine editor Erin Bried saw the absence of worthwhile periodicals for the powerful little women-to-be. So she created a kids' magazine that highlights badass women in STEM fields, experiments to do at home, and crafts that aren't just throwing glitter and macaroni on construction paper.
Ages: 5 to 12

Buy Now $40

Xyza News

It's essentially grown-up news, made digestible for the young mind. It's like The Week — co-founders Sapna Satagopan and Joanne Suen break down the week's kid-appropriate news in language they can absorb.
Ages: 6 to 12

Buy Now $50


Click plays into the idea that kids are explorers and researchers. Because so much is new to them, they are constantly searching for answers and information on new objects, phenomena, and animals. This magazine has nine issues per year and each issue explores a single topic in-depth. Click has an entire issue on snakes, which definitely is of interest to their demographic. In the magazine's issue about the ocean, they interviewed ocean explorer Sylvia Earle. This magazine is truly meant to challenge your child and expand their horizon beyond just some basic animal facts. Although Click says kids as young as 3 can enjoy the magazine, it does skew a little bit older than that.

Ages: 3 to 6

Buy Now $34

National Geographic for Little Kids

From the makers of National Geographic and Nat Geo for Kids comes a kids' magazine that's aimed at even younger kids. And, because this comes from the explorer society that has lasted for 128 years, you can bet your lost-tribe hunting that it's full of factual information. Best case scenario: Your preschooler runs around with a fedora saying everything "belongs in a museum!"
Ages: 3 to 6

Buy Now $15


Highlights has been printed since 1946 and it's probably safe to say they've learned a thing or two about how to get kids all jazzed on reading (that's old-timey for "excited"). Each 40-page issue has hours of activities, games, and stories that aim to fulfills its "Fun With a Purpose" motto. Also, it's straight out of Columbus, Ohio, so you get wholesome Midwest values at no extra cost.
Ages: 6 to 12

Buy Now $40


ChickaDee is sorta of like Reader's Digest for kids. It offers a wide range of topics, like people and animal profiles (but sadly not people animals, like Pan), kid-friendly fiction, brain games, jokes, comics, and hot takes on topical kid stuff. And, like Reader's Digest, they fit neatly on top of the potty.
Ages: 6 to 9

Buy Now $40



Muse is a science and arts magazine for tweens that includes stories about the hip aspects of STEM education; think pieces about ladybugs and at least one kid's narrative from her first Burning Man. It's kind of like training wheels for when you bust out Utne Reader, but without all the adds for Bragg's Liquid Aminos.
Ages: 9 to 14

Buy Now $34


Bazoof has the standard comics, games, and wacky stories — but it also serves up a healthy portion of information about clean living. Inside is information about nutrition, personal care, exercise, and general happiness. Think of Goop, but instead of Gwyneth Paltrow, there's a totally jacked alligator named Jerry that talks about blasting his quads.
Ages: 8 to 12

Buy Now $29

Stone Soup

Started in 1973 in Santa Cruz, California, Stone Soup is a literary arts journal comprised entirely of stories, poems, and illustrations by kids. The Children's Art Foundation — the nonprofit responsible for the kids' magazine — is dedicated to encouraging childhood creativity and puts out six issues a year. And unlike you, your kid can even get paid for their submissions. (Everybody knows the New Yorker cartoon contest is rigged.)
Ages: 8 to 13

Buy Now $96

Ranger Rick

As old as the mountains in its pages, Ranger Rick is the longest-running children's magazine about nature. Produced by the National Wildlife Federation since 1976, the content has a conservationist lense and helps makes environmental issues accessible for third graders and climate-change deniers alike.
Ages: 7+

Buy Now $15


This visually stunning magazine is a British export aimed for elementary-age kids (6 to 12). It is a magazine that is worthy of collecting thanks to its beautiful design, sturdy (and recycled) paper stock, and bright, happy pages. It has plenty of engaging activities, games, and compelling storytelling, but this magazine stands out for its design — and will no doubt inspire the young artist in your house.

Ages: 6 to 12

Buy Now $43


Kids are always asking questions. "But why?" might as well be their refrain until they're teenagers. The magazine Ask tells them why and encourages them to keep asking questions. Although each issue is 32 pages, each page packs a punch. Usually, more than half the issue is dedicated to science and the other half explores history and art. One issue explores miniature worlds while previous issues have delved into the history and mechanics of bicycles and the link between tigers and tabby cats. As a parent, you might even enjoy learning alongside your kids with Ask.

Ages: 6 to 9

Buy Now $34

SI for Kids

If sports is one of the things that you and your kid bond over, then a subscription to SI for Kids is a no-brainer. There's a lot of hero worship in the pages, and it generally steers clear of sticky subjects like PEDs, domestic violence, and National Anthem protests. What it will do is get them up to speed in time to dominate on DraftKings for Kids (which isn't a thing — yet).

Ages: 8 to 13

Buy Now $20


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The post The Best Kids Magazine Subscriptions to Encourage Learning appeared first on Fatherly.

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