Summer Reading Challenge

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Kick off your child’s summer vacation with this fun summer reading challenge! Pick and choose from over 40 places to read a book this summer.

Which reading spot will you check off first?

Summer Reading Challenge for Kids

Summer Reading Challenge

There are so many places to read a book! This free printable includes 40+ fun ways to encourage your child to read more during the summer months. Your child can mark off each one as they read this summer.

Just download and print and you’re on your way to a book-filled summer.

Not sure what to read? Take a look at our collection of the best summer books for kids.

boy reading on a blanket outside

The importance of summer reading for kids:

Summer reading is important for kids because it helps them to:

  • Keep their minds active and engaged.
  • Improve their vocabulary and grammar skills.
  • Learn about new things and cultures.
  • Develop their imagination and creativity.
  • Improve their comprehension and critical thinking skills.
  • Become better readers (and writers).
  • Enjoy the pleasure of reading.

Will you join our Summer Reading Challenge? Download our checklist today!

Summer reading is also a great way for kids to relax and de-stress after a long school year. It can provide them with a much-needed break from screens and other activities that can be overstimulating.

There are many ways to encourage summer reading for kids. One way is to create a summer reading list for them. You can include books that they have been wanting to read, as well as books that you think they will enjoy.

Another way to encourage summer reading is to visit the library regularly. Libraries often have summer reading programs that offer prizes and incentives for kids who read a certain number of books.

You can also sign your child up for a book club or reading challenge.

Finally, make sure that you model good reading habits yourself. Let your child see you reading for pleasure and talk about the books that you are enjoying. By setting a good example, you can help your child develop a love of reading that will last a lifetime.

Mother reading with child

Summer reading can be done in a variety of ways, such as:

  • Reading books from the library or bookstore.
  • Reading online articles or stories.
  • Listening to audiobooks.
  • Participating in summer reading programs offered by schools or libraries.
  • Going to the movies or watching TV shows based on books.
  • Visiting museums or historical sites.

Download our free Summer Reading Challenge Checklist that is full of 40+ fun ideas for your child to read this summer. {DOWNLOAD HERE}

Want more ideas for this summer?

If you’re looking for even more ideas to do with your child this summer, be sure to grab our Summer Calendar Activity Bundle for $6.99 $4.99!

You’ll find fun and easy summer-themed activities, games, and books for you all summer long for your child. 

This summer set includes: 

There are so many fun ways to incorporate reading into your summer months! We can’t wait to how excited your child gets about reading as they complete this summer reading challenge.

Summer is a special time to spend with your child and make summer memories.

Let us know in the comments which challenge was their favorite!

Resources for Summer Reading for Your Child…

The post Summer Reading Challenge appeared first on The Educators' Spin On It.

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