Summer Camps that Allow Daily Drop-in
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Summer camps that offer daily drop-in service are a special kind of lifeline to parents with full-time work obligations and flexible schedules alike. This roundup of summer camps that let you pay per day is a sampling of the diverse offerings available in the East Bay. Find more summer camps in our Annual Camp Guide.
East Bay camps that allow daily drop-ins (2023)
The following camps have let know that they allow kids to come certain days rather than registering for a whole session. Find all the details on their websites.
Firecracker Math Summer Camp
Math camp for curious and challenge-loving kids ages 6 to 16. Instructions employ math games, projects, and magic tricks, sparking kids’ interest in math and boosting their skills and confidence. Morning classes are followed by fun activities in the afternoon.
Camp Hours: 9 am to 4 pm
Earliest Drop off: 08:30 am
Latest Pick-up: 05:30 pm
Price: $525 per week. $325 per week for half-day (math-only) camp. $120 per day. $75 per half-day (math-only). Multi-week & sibling discount. Financial aid is available. AM care $50, PM care $125.
Grades: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th
Camp Season (2023): Week of June 12, Week of June 19, Week of June 26, Week of July 3, Week of July 10, Week of July 17, Week of July 24, Week of July 31
Save 5% off tuition with code 510FamiliesSum23. Expires 6/30/23
Wild Child Nature Camps
100% unplugged and outdoors, join a summer of nature exploration, arts & crafts, field games, songs, hikes, and board games. This outdoor camp is designed to engage children and help them connect with not only nature, but also other campers, staff, and the surrounding beauty in Oakland.
Camp Hours: 9 am to 2 pm
Earliest Drop off: 09:00 am
Latest Pick-up: 04:00 pm
Price: $385 per week, $90 per day with 2-day minimum per week. Aftercare available for an added fee of $20 an hour.
Grades: K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd
Camp Season (2023): Week of June 5, Week of June 12, Week of June 19, Week of June 26, Week of July 10, Week of July 17, Week of July 24, Week of July 31
ANTS Sports Explorers Camp
The ultimate multi-sport camp in Oakland for kids explores tennis, soccer, basketball, flag football, dodgeball, & more in a non-competitive and positive environment. With special theme days, kids will develop their athletic skills while having fun, making friends, and learning sportsmanship.
Camp Hours: 9 am to 4 pm or half days 9 am to noon or 1 pm to 4 pm
Earliest Drop off: 08:45 am
Latest Pick-up: 05:00 pm
Price: $95 for daily drop-in. $475 per week of full-days. $275 per week of half-days. Half-day drop-in $55. Discounts available.
Grades: K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th
Camp Season (2023): Week of June 5, Week of June 12, Week of June 19, Week of June 26, Week of July 10, Week of July 17, Week of July 24, Week of July 31, Week of Aug. 7
Dancing Paintbrush Studio
An award-winning art camp, Dancing Paintbrush demonstrates a variety of techniques and hosts special guests to nurture artistic development; provides lessons to spark the creative process; and encourages individual exploration of personal interests, working together, and sharing ideas.
Camp Hours: 9 am to 3 pm
Earliest Drop off: 08:00 am
Latest Pick-up: 05:00 pm
Price: $600 per week or $135 per day for core program; extended care is extra; earlybird rates apply before 4/1/23
Grades: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th
Camp Season (2023): Week of June 5, Week of June 12, Week of June 19, Week of June 26, Week of July 3, Week of July 10, Week of July 17, Week of July 24, Week of July 31, Week of Aug. 7, Week of Aug. 14, Week of Aug. 21
One Village Sports Camps
FUNdamental soccer, multi-sport, basketball, softball & roller hockey camps are designed for maximum fun with outdoor & indoor options available. Full-Day Camps offer sprinklers on hot days, additional multi-sport choices, traditional camp games, and games & tournaments!
Camp Hours: 9 am to 3 pm or half day 9 am to noon
Earliest Drop off: 08:15 am
Latest Pick-up: 04:00 pm
Price: $389 per week or $275 per week of half-days. Daily drop-in is $85
Grades: preschool (ages 4+), K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th
Camp Season (2023): Week of June 5, Week of June 12, Week of June 19, Week of June 26, Week of July 3, Week of July 10, Week of July 17, Week of July 24, Week of July 31
Save $30 off one week with code 510FAMFD or save $10 a week of half days with code 510FAMHD
Steve & Kate's Camp
Campers choose from a variety of activities including sewing, coding, maker crafts, sports & more! Buy any number of days to use at any time. Unused days are automatically refunded at summer’s end. Est. 1980. Lunch, snacks & all hours (8 am–6 pm) included for ages 4 to 12.
Camp Hours: 8 am to 6 pm
Earliest Drop off: 08:00 am
Latest Pick-up: 06:00 pm
Price: Please check out your local site for prices!
Grades: preschool (ages 4+), K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th
Camp Season (2023): Week of May 29, Week of June 5, Week of June 12, Week of June 19, Week of June 26, Week of July 3, Week of July 10, Week of July 17, Week of July 24, Week of July 31, Week of Aug. 7
Wild Ones Art Camp
Wild Ones art camp invites 6- 10 years old on an outdoor adventure this summer. They will explore local East Bay parks to learn about local wildlife, discover new plants and trees, and make nature-inspired art.
Camp Hours: 9 am to 3 pm
Earliest Drop off: 08:45 am
Latest Pick-up: 03:15 pm
Price: $459 per week | $125.00 per day. Discount for early bird or siblings
Grades: 1st, 2nd, 3rd
Camp Season (2023): Week of June 5, Week of June 12, Week of July 10, Week of July 17
Save 5% with code 510families. Expires 3/21/23
Always Learning and Growing Forest Camp
Camp Hours: 9:30 am to 2:30 pm
Earliest Drop off: 09:00 am
Latest Pick-up: 02:30 pm
Price: $400 per week or $85 per day
Grades: ages 3+, preschool (ages 4+), K, 1st, 2nd
Camp Season (2023): Week of June 12, Week of July 10, Week of July 17, Week of July 31
Parkour & Acrobatics @ Athletic Playground
Camp Hours: Varies; sessions tend to be 9 am to noon and 12:15 pm to 3:15 pm
Earliest Drop off: 08:50 am
Latest Pick-up: 01:00 pm
Price: $525 per 5 sessions, $130 one sessions; $330 for 3 sessions
Grades: K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th
Camp Season (2023): Week of June 5, Week of June 12, Week of June 19, Week of June 26, Week of July 3, Week of July 10, Week of July 17, Week of July 24, Week of July 31, Week of Aug. 7
Twirl Summer Camp
Camp Hours: 9 am to 3 pm
Earliest Drop off: 09:00 am
Latest Pick-up: 05:00 pm
Price: $425 per week or $100 per day
Grades: preschool (ages 4+), K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th
Camp Season (2023): Week of June 12, Week of June 19, Week of June 26, Week of July 3, Week of July 10, Week of July 17, Week of July 24, Week of July 31, Week of Aug. 7
X-Fit Training Summer Camp
Camp Hours: 9 am to 4 pm or 1 pm to 4 pm for young campers
Earliest Drop off: 09:00 am
Latest Pick-up: 04:00 pm
Price: $465 per week full day | $195-$270 per week half day | $112 per day
Grades: K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th
Camp Season (2023): Week of June 12, Week of June 19, Week of June 26, Week of July 17, Week of July 24
Yama Kids Yoga Camp
Camp Hours: 9 am to 3 pm
Earliest Drop off: 09:00 am
Latest Pick-up: 05:00 pm
Price: $450 per week or $100 per day
Grades: K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th
Camp Season (2023): Week of June 5, Week of June 12, Week of June 26, Week of July 10, Week of July 17, Week of July 31
Find more camps in the East Bay Summer Camp Guide >